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Tara Riley Krohn


Tara Krohn joined the Freedom Flag Foundation Board in January of 2020. She has been teaching since 1999. On September 11, 2001, she vividly remembers trying to continue on as life as normal in front of her innocent class of students at Woolridge Elementary School. Since then, she has vowed to never let her students forget the importance of that historical day. After hosting a World Trade Center steel artifact from Tower 1 on loan from the Freedom Flag Foundation, Tara became inspired to write Unfurling the Freedom Flag: A 9/11 Story. This project is one of her greatest professional and personal honors. Tara has received recognition as Elementary Teacher of the Year for Chesterfield County (2019), R.E.B. Award for Teaching Excellence (2014), National Teacher of the Year for Magic Tree House (2015), and Virginia Social Studies Teacher of the Year (2004). Tara is a 1995 Midlothian High School graduate. When not teaching, Tara can be found cheering on the JMU Dukes, taking photographs, camping with Scouts, or on an adventure with her husband, Doug, and two children.

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